Sunday, November 7, 2010


The world's current state of affairs often seems totally hopeless.It's difficult not to become a bit overwhelmed at times. I like to think of the experiences we are all going through as a chemicalization or fermentation. Webster uses a phrase to describe fermentation..."an energy-producing transformation".

What claims to be error or evil is clamoring for recognition and our acceptance of it as ultimate reality.It seems that "world thought" or "mortal mind" wants to hold on to what it knows. It realizes that Spiritual Truth is breaking forth to nullify its false claims and is frantically calling for attention. While we don't ignore the evils taking place, we musn't personalize them. When needed we can point out where the wrong is occurring but in our hearts we musn't attach evil to any person

As we all know, darkness or evil is only an absence of the Light. It has no real power in and of itself. It will fade as Truth is realized. Please read the poem below and keep it in your hearts.

Missionary Hymn: Author unknown

A glorious day is dawning,

And o'er the waking earth...

The heralds of the morning

 are springing into birth.

In dark and hidden places

There shines the blessed light;

The beam of Truth displaces

The darkness of the night

The advocates of error

Forsee the glorious morn....

And hear in shrinking terror,

The watchword of reform:

It rings from hill and valley

It breaks oppression's chain.

A thousand free-men rally,

And swell the mighty strain

The watch-word has been spoken,

The light has broken forth,...

Far shines the blessed token

Upon the startled earth.

To hearts and homes benighted

The blessed Truth is given,

And peace and Love united,

Point upward unto heaven

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