Sunday, November 7, 2010


The first part below was written by Thomasin Magor, who lived for several years among the Samburu Tribe of Africa. He wrote a beautiful book about them called "African Warriors".
We all have our doubts and fears as to what the future will hold....our individual and collective futures. I believe that the saying below by Minnie Louise Haskins ...holds the key to passing through this existence with peace and confidence that things are not always what they seem, that there is a larger purpose and that only God or the Intelligence of the universe....knows the whole story.

Faith and trust are not just ideological concepts. When based on a sure foundation of experience and of a "knowing"...they are practical and dependable. These qualities need to be developed before we can expect to have them always available as practical tools. We need to cultivate seeds in a garden. The only way to do this is by taking time each day to seek connection to the Creator.

 The world has many distractions ....especially keep us from doing this. The "world" thinks it can actually take God/Spirit away from us through laws, propaganda, fear...etc. can matter, false thought, illusion,hypnotism, lies (all things that are only shadow)ever affect Spirit...which is all that is real and eternal? The saying by Haskins is really so simple but I find it incredibly beautiful and just wanted to share it with you.

" When darkness seemed to cloud me,
When doubt seemed to crowd me
When deep fear seemed to creep within,
I remembered this........"

"I said to the man who stood at the gate: "Give me a light
that I may tread safely into the unknown."
And he replied: "Go out into the darkness and put your hand
into the hand of God.

That shall be to you better than
light and safer than a known way."

Minnie Louise Haskins (1875 - 1957)

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